Preparations are underway for the most important blockchain event in Canada.   If you want to get involved or volunteer for this historic event please contact us.

Volunteers help make The Blockchain Super Conference a success. Volunteering is a great way to network while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the conference and earning a conference discount. Volunteering is open to all conference attendees.

Volunteers are the face of The Blockchain Super Conference. As such, volunteers are expected to be punctual, respectful and helpful during their shifts. It is very beneficial to you to become knowledgeable on various aspects of the conference such as event locations, layout of the venue, general conference information, and program details.

Scheduling volunteers requires a tremendous amount of planning and cooperation; Blockchain Super Conference appreciates your willingness to help make this year’s conference a huge success, by honoring your shifts, showing up on time, and staying until the job is done!

Want to sign up as a volunteer now? Click here to get started. Or, learn more about how volunteers assist and support the following key areas of the conference.

Registration: 4 hours

Registration volunteers are responsible for welcoming attendees and distributing registration materials. Attendees will expect you to have the answer to everything, so familiarize yourself with the conference schedules, the Conference Onsite Guide, the conference mobile app, room locations, etc.
Room Monitors: 3 hours

As a session monitor, you will liaise with the speakers to ensure they have all necessary equipment, welcome attendees as they enter the session room, provide a session headcount, and provide evaluation information to attendees. Room monitors are assigned to one room for one day, and may request a certain theme or track to liaise; while ISPI will try to honor all requests, requests are not guaranteed.

Hospitality: 4 hours

Hospitality volunteers need to be very familiar with the conference schedule; special events, restaurants, and other items that you believe will contribute to an overall positive conference experience including information about the conference for first-time attendees. Hospitality volunteers will assist with special events and setup throughout the Conference.
Tabling Volunteer: 4 hours

Exhibit Hall volunteers are responsible for checking in and assisting exhibitors and encouraging participants to visit the Hall.
Traffic Direction Volunteer

Traffic Direction volunteers are responsible for giving directions to conference attendees at posts throughout the conference facility. Attendees will expect you to have the answer to everything, so familiarize yourself with the conference schedules, the Conference venue, the conference mobile app, room locations, etc.